Hula Grill, Lahaina



Thanks for visiting It offers the latest, craziest (as so often happens with us) news about Michael, Fran, and growing family; our annual photo journal; travels; and and other topics.

As 2012 draws to a close, all is well. We are grateful that we have our health, our beautiful family, and the ability to annually check an item or two off our Bucket List.

Robin and Tito have returned to Foster City from self-imposed exile in the "hinterland," so the family is in close proximity again. Michael received a well-deserved promotion, and Fran continues to enjoy retirement. Our three delightful granddaughters continue to be the light of our lives

In April we checked Iguazu Falls and Rio de Janeiro off our Bucket List, and 2013 will begin with a journey on the world's largest cruise ship, followed by yet another Bucket List item - Havana! Then, when the cactus blooms in the Arizona desert, can Giants Spring Training be far behind?


developed by Fran Gorman last modified 2/20/2013