Musings of a Native San Franciscan



Unlike most people who've arrived here in search of abundant beauty, great weather, and a share of that California "gold," I was born in San Francisco. When I've traveled the country and some parts of the world, people have reacted with equal parts awe and envy when I tell them where I'm from. Yes, it IS a special place with mythical qualities.

Rolling over the pins, the map recalls, as much for myself as for other San Franciscans of a certain age, The City that was the center of our universe in the late 50's and 60's.

Some of the places I loved as child/teenager still exist (Golden Gate Park, Mel's Drive-In), some have morphed into other uses (Hippos, Woolworths), some are only partly preserved as relics of the past (The Emporium dome, Kezar arch), and some exist only as faded memories (Sutros, Geneva Drive-In).

